Varieties : Semillon,Sauvignon Blanc,Muscadelle 聖米濃,白蘇維翁,慕斯卡岱
Average Age Of Vines : 平均藤齡50年
Soils : Gravelly mounds and sandy gravel 深層爍石土壤
Winemaking : Harvesting is by hand and is done several times. Each time the pickers go through the vines, they take only the over ripe or rotted grapes to get the maximum suger and Botrytis character. Once at the vat house, the grapes are pressed and fermented in stainless steel vats, in which the temperature in not allowed to exceed 22℃. Once the level of residual sugar has reached 70 to 80g/l, fermentation is stopped by the addition of SO2 and by lowering the temperature. The wines are then aged in vat for 10 to 12 months. 工人多次地穿梭在葡萄園間只挑選過熟或腐敗的葡萄,利用天然的貴腐霉菌附著在葡萄上,因而釀製出甜度較高的葡萄甜酒。將人工採收的葡萄放入不鏽鋼桶中壓榨及發酵,溫度絕對不可以超過攝氏22度,如果剩餘糖份達到1公升70~80公克即加入二氧化硫並且降低溫度來停止發酵,發酵完成後倒入桶中進行10~12個月熟成。
Tasting : A pale gold hue that augurs well. It offers a remarkably complex bouquet in which mineral notes combine with aromas of honey, jammy fruit (apricots, oranges) and acacia blossom. The palate displays outstanding balance, typical of this wine’s noble origins. Rounded, soft and full yet presenting great freshness, crowned by a lingering, harmonious finish. The back of palate goes on and on. A great Sauternes without any doubt. 呈現出美麗的黃金光澤,無與倫比的礦物味帶有蜂蜜的香氣及水果果醬的香甜味及花香調,入喉後感受到出乎意料的平衡度是這酒的典型特性,圓潤、溫順、良好的新鮮度及協調的尾韻,餘韻悠長。