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目前分類:澳洲 Australia (13)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

作者:Tenson Wang Posted by wineschool on 2016-03-10 

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Petaluma & Knappstein 最新獎項

James Halliday – Australia’s most famous and important wine critic –

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James Halliday’s Australian Wine Companion stands tall on the landscape of Australian consumer reviews.  Please see attached a summary of scores and write-ups.

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那帕斯坦酒莊成立於1974,位於早在19世紀便是Enterprise釀酒廠的原址處.它本身的建築樓層(名為National Trust Building)便是Clare(克萊爾)城鎮的著名地標. 那帕斯坦的葡萄園, 1960年末至1970年初便種植於克萊爾山谷(註一)北邊,除了奧克蘭(Ackland)葡萄園之外….著名的雷絲琳(Riesling)白酒,便是種植在稍微往南偏的瓦特維樂(Watervale)城鄉. 精緻完美的雷絲琳(Riesling)及喜哈(Shriaz)      在它早期的葡萄酒歷史上便建立起其響亮的名聲與美譽. 那帕斯坦酒莊更逐年擴充其葡萄酒的品項, 但更潛心不斷的在其本來就有的核心品種上做更多的努力!

Founded in 1974 as Enterprise wines, Knappstein is located in the original 19th century Enterprise Brewery… Itself a National Turst Building and the landmark of the Clare township.. Knappstein’s vineyards, predominantly planted in the last sixties and early seventies, are in the vicinity of Clare in the northern end of the Valley with the exception of the Ackland vineyard, prized for its Riesling, which lies slightly further south near the town of Watervale.. Having established a reputation for tind Riesling and Shiraz in its early history, Knappstein has over the years expanded the portfolio whilst remaining focused and utterly respectful of the core varieties of the region.

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The 2010 Knappstein Hand Picked Riesling shows lifted citrus fruit aromas with distinct floral notes. This intensity of floral lift of the nose is one of the hallmarks of this year's Riesling vintage here at Knappstein. The palate exhibits fresh lemon and lime fruit flavours which are framed by the wine's classic Clare Valley mineral structure. This wine whilst exhibiting generous sweet lime, retains a zesty acid level keeping it lively and balanced. Knappstein's commitment to hand picking produces a delicate wine displaying excellent purity of flavours and textures.

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