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目前分類:美國加州 California (18)

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[Bottle] Ironstone_Merlot New.jpg



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[Bottle] ISR_CabFranc_NV_lg.jpg       


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[Bottle] ISR_Old_Vine_Zin_NV.jpg 


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[Bottle] CA_PetiteSirah.jpg 


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The 2009 Leaping Horse Vineyards Chardonnayis a delicious yet simple white wine.  If you like a great unoaked Chardonnay that is packed with aromas and flavors of tropical fruit, lemon and green apple then the real deal is in a bottle of Leaping Horse Vineyards!  Chardonnay is grown virtually all over the world because of its versatility and low maintenance. Its popularity is due in part to its rich, yet delicate characteristics.

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Obsession 2013  [Label]Obsession_2013  

  Symphony(欣芬妮)葡萄,一種來自北加州的獨特品種。Symphony正如同北加州大城舊金山一般,這個由西班牙移民打造的西岸大城,混合來自歐、亞、非裔人種,結合了傳統與現代; Symphony(欣芬妮)在血統上,繼承了來自歐洲古老的起源。Symphony起源1960年代,由加州大學戴維斯分校著名植物科學家歐默博士(Dr. Harold Paul Olmo),以起源南歐的古老品種Muscat de Alexandria和產於加州的Grenache Gris混種而成,徹底解決Muscat de Alexandria濃郁的花香,會隨著陳年過程而走味的困擾,結合了加州道地的藍天與陽光,Symphony系列的白酒,也一直是北加州特產之一,如同舊金山這座城市,在混血與移民的文化融合下,成為獨具一格的西岸大城,在2003年,歐默博士更因此獲得加州葡萄酒與美食終身成就獎,為此表彰他卓越的貢獻。

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:  93 POINTS  (www.justwinepoints.com, October 13, 2009)

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These grapes exhibit intense varietal character due to modern trellis systems combined with deficit irrigation practices. During crush, these hand-picked grapes arrived at the winery in the early morning hours where a combination of old and new reductive winemaking techniques were used to create this flavorful wine. This technique preserves the naturally abundant exotic aromas that Viognier is known for. To preserve these aromas, the juice was then cold fermented and maintained in temperature controlled stainless steel tanks.

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 在加州邊境大山脈堅苦種植葡萄發達的 Ironstone Vineyards家庭酒園,近年大展鴻圖,以超值好飲的方針創立的副牌,Christine Andrew系列是最新的一種,採用第四代家庭成員為名,選擇該園發源老家的 Lodi 優等葡萄以及Sonoma酒鄉佳品製酒八種, 除了夏多娜Chardonnay,卡本內蘇維翁Cabernet Sauvignon 及梅洛Merlot 三種常見品種以外,又搜集Malbec Petite Sirah Tempraillo維歐涅Viognier"老藤"聖粉黛  Zinfandel五種新進品種。

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Stone Valley was named after the well-drained, gravelly soils that these vineyards are planted on.  These growing conditions are ideal for stressing grape vines and result in thriving vineyards full of clusters brimming with rich, concentrated flavours.  Stone Valley wines offer true varietal character, attractive packaging and the quality of California prices that will please even the most conscientious wine lover.

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加州的莫非鎮被譽為''塞拉山脈王后 '', 而鐵石葡萄莊園則很快就被譽為''皇冠珠寶 ''鐵石酒廠是由約翰卡茲(John KAutz)於1948年在內華達山脈下丘陵的一個小鎮發掘出來的卡茲家族在過去幾年裡不斷成功生產出品質優良的葡萄及其他農作物. 鐵石酒廠出產的葡萄所齉造的葡萄酒曾多次獲獎. 因鐵石葡萄莊園所有的葡萄酒都是物有所值經歷了多年成功栽培葡萄, 於1989年建立鐵石葡萄酒莊以反映家族熱愛歷史追求完美的性格1994年正式對外開放, 已逐漸成為吸引觀光客的重要據點. 今日, 鐵石酒廠仍然堅守約翰卡茲先生的信念, 致力於為愛好紅酒者提供品質最優良的葡萄酒與農產品

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The 2007 Leaping Horse Cabernet Sauvignon is a classic Cabernet with deep red-purple hues and a black currant taste that reveals hints of cherry, blackberry, fresh mint and a touch of oak. It’s smooth, rich and deliciously drinkable. The Holy Grail of red wines, Cabernet Sauvignon has become one of the most popular varietals worldwide and the Leaping Horse Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon will not disappoint!

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