
 在加州邊境大山脈堅苦種植葡萄發達的 Ironstone Vineyards家庭酒園,近年大展鴻圖,以超值好飲的方針創立的副牌,Christine Andrew系列是最新的一種,採用第四代家庭成員為名,選擇該園發源老家的 Lodi 優等葡萄以及Sonoma酒鄉佳品製酒八種, 除了夏多娜Chardonnay,卡本內蘇維翁Cabernet Sauvignon 及梅洛Merlot 三種常見品種以外,又搜集Malbec Petite Sirah Tempraillo維歐涅Viognier"老藤"聖粉黛  Zinfandel五種新進品種。

  這批酒釀製時注意將各別特點謹慎發揮,像維歐涅Viognier白酒的花香梨味,夾雜荔枝芒果味,恰到好處,最配蜆介海鮮,而Malbec適宜肉食; Tempraillo 則原屬西班牙之寶,深重醇熟,配搭燒牛脊肉,蒜茸羊扒或野味,或用來配搭乾醃鱸魚( Dry Cod),牛肉薄片(Beef Carpaccio) 及墨魚烏汁會粉(Squid Ink Tegliatelle)

  另兩種紅酒的老藤聖粉黛Zinfandel Petite Sirah,是這間酒園在大山脈附近當初的老本行,聖粉黛的老樹不下七十年,所產葡萄製酒野味充足,甚為厚實,不過餘味中和,與燒排骨等食品相襯, 或用來搭配淡菜雜燴(Mussels & Clams)Petite Sirah 酒力強勁,深色如墨,可配野味或辛辣食品, 義式燴飯(Rissoto)、燴牛肉(Beef Stew)、燒海鱸(Sea Bass)

Ironstone Vineyards to Launch New Wine Brand Christine Andrew

The Kautz Family, owners and operators of Ironstone Vineyards, has been producing wine for three generations, and is celebrating this tradition by expanding their portfolio with new wine brand Christine Andrew. Named after the great grandchildren from the family's fourth generation, Christine Andrew will be released in select markets this May.

The brand is aiming to target "the experienced wine consumer between the ages of 30 and 55," according to Ironstone Vineyards' marketing and public relations director Pamela Graviet. "We want to move into a different price segment within the wine business with wines that exceed quality expectations at that price," she said.

Varietals Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Merlot, Petite Sirah, Tempranillo, Viognier and "Old Vine" Zinfandel will be bottled under the Christine Andrew brand. "Generally when you look at a wine brand everything will come from the same growing region, but we specifically looked at the varietals we were going to put into this brand and then looked at where the best grapes were from which growing region," said Graviet.

"For instance, the Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot grapes were sourced from Sonoma County , where the rest of the line is from the Lodi Appellation," she continued. "The only exception is the Viognier, which has grapes sourced from the 'California Appellation.' The reason is we wanted the best grapes from a couple appellations, including Lodi and the Sierra Foothills. That is a little unusual but we wanted to make sure we had the best quality for these wines."

Ironstone Vineyards is headquartered in Murphys, California and markets 12 varietals and five reserve wines nationally under the Ironstone Vineyards label. These wines are distributed in fifty-one markets worldwide. In addition to the Ironstone Vineyards label, the Kautz Family produces the award-winning wines of Leaping Horse Vineyards, Sonoma Creek and Dog Tail Vineyards




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