The 2009 Leaping Horse Vineyards Chardonnayis a delicious yet simple white wine. If you like a great unoaked Chardonnay that is packed with aromas and flavors of tropical fruit, lemon and green apple then the real deal is in a bottle of Leaping Horse Vineyards! Chardonnay is grown virtually all over the world because of its versatility and low maintenance. Its popularity is due in part to its rich, yet delicate characteristics.
2009年躍馬酒莊夏多娜白酒是款美味又清爽的白酒。如果您喜歡一支沒有橡木味又帶有如檸檬、青蘋果等熱帶水果香氣的夏多娜白酒,此款白酒絕對是您的首選! 夏多娜葡萄遍佈全世界,因為非常容易繁殖且不需要特別去照顧,而它受歡迎的原因是果味濃郁又具有甜美的特性!
●International Value Wine Awards 2009 Judges Choice
●Wine Enthusiast, July 2009 BEST BUY
●, 2/11/09 91 POINTS
品酒小記 Winemaker Notes and the Recommends:
Buying a bottle of Chardonnay shouldn’t be complex. The world loves Chardonnay because of its clean, fruity, yet dynamic characteristics. This wine goes great with herb roasted chicken and sea food.
要挑瓶夏多娜白酒並不需要太複雜的想法,全世界夏多娜白酒的愛好者都是因為喜歡它的清爽、果味濃郁又充滿活力的特性! 搭配碳烤塗滿草本香料的雞肉或海鮮料理。