● Location : Fossoy - Champagne地理位置於法國香檳區佛梭
● Creation of vineyard : 18h century 酒莊建立於18世紀
● Grape Varieties :Pinot Meunier, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir
● Tasting Notes : Sustained pale gold, fine mousse. Attractive nose of almonds, hawthorn, apple, and white peach with delicate buttery hints. The attack is lively and clean-cut. The bouquet opens out in the mouth showing fine vinous presence, fresh finish.
● Serving Suggestions :As an aperitif or at table to accompany grilled or steamed fish, crawfish and fine seafood platters. 可當開胃酒,搭配碳烤或清蒸鮮魚、小龍蝦及海鮮料理也是絕配!
● Serving Temperature : 適飲溫度攝氏8-10 度 (華氏46度到50度)