● Location : Fossoy - Champagne地理位置於法國香檳區佛梭
● Creation of vineyard : 18h century 酒莊建立於18世紀
● Grape Varieties :60% Pinot Meunier, 30% Chardonnay and 10% Pinot Noir
● Tasting Notes : Pale gold robe. The nose is redolent of yellow fruits and citrus with floral hints. The mouth is well balanced, attractive and fruity, creating a joyous whole which finishes fresh. Slightly more dosed with sugar, to go with desserts.淡金色澤。香氣來說,馬上就可以聯想到黃色水果及隱約帶點花香的柑橘類果香。入喉後感受到酒體平衡、非常迷人且充滿果香! 完全呈現出令人愉悅的感覺且尾韻清爽! 微甜口感非常適合搭配各式甜點!
● Serving Suggestions :To go with desserts and to round off the meal. Also goes well with foie gras.
● Serving Temperature : 適飲溫度攝氏8度 (華氏46度)