加州的莫非鎮被譽為''塞拉山脈王后 '', 而鐵石葡萄莊園則很快就被譽為''皇冠珠寶 ''。鐵石酒廠是由約翰卡茲(John KAutz)於1948年在內華達山脈下丘陵的一個小鎮發掘出來的。卡茲家族在過去幾年裡不斷成功生產出品質優良的葡萄及其他農作物. 鐵石酒廠出產的葡萄所齉造的葡萄酒曾多次獲獎. 因鐵石葡萄莊園所有的葡萄酒都是物有所值。經歷了多年成功栽培葡萄, 於1989年建立鐵石葡萄酒莊以反映家族熱愛歷史追求完美的性格。1994年正式對外開放, 已逐漸成為吸引觀光客的重要據點. 今日, 鐵石酒廠仍然堅守約翰卡茲先生的信念, 致力於為愛好紅酒者提供品質最優良的葡萄酒與農產品。
至今,鐵石酒廠已經銷包含南美 北美 加勒比 歐洲, 亞洲等多各國家及地區, 出口額占整各銷售額的30%, 鐵石酒廠的酒已遍佈美國46個州及世界40 個國家。 今年鐵石酒廠的酒已較過去成長25%, 以耕作經驗橫跨近半各世紀,且已成為加州第12個最大的葡萄酒出口酒莊.
About Ironstone:
The story of Ironstone Vineyards started in the hands of John Kautz, a young row crop farmer from Lodi who saw the future in growing wine grapes in Lodi . With 12 acres in 1948, John quickly built an excellent reputation as a premium wine grape supplier, amassing over 5,000 acres of grapes in Lodi and the Sierra Foothills and eventually becoming one of the top ten wine grape growers in California .
In 1988, John, his wife Gail and their children dedicated themselves to the creation of a wine of their own. While still maintaining grape sales to top wineries around the world, they brought award-winning winemaker Steve Millier aboard to launch Kautz wines, which would evolve into Ironstone Vineyards, a wine brand dedicated to the production of exceptional wines of unparalleled quality, outstanding value and everyday approachability.
In 1989, using dynamite, pick axes and shovels, a crew of miners carved through limestone and Calaveras Schist Rock on Gail’s family ranch in Murphys, California and fashioned the site of Ironstone’s wine aging caverns, which in the beginning, also served as the facility’s first tasting room. Humble beginnings for what has now become California ’s largest winery entertainment complex.
Over the years, Ironstone Wines and the Ironstone Winery have each grown and become famous in their own way. Truly a family business, John, Gail and each of their four children - Stephen, Kurt, Jack, and Joan - remain actively involved in the growth of both the winery facility and the wine brand.