
[Bottle] Antu Cabernet Carmenere 2013.jpg                                                        

MontGras Antu Cabernet Carmenere 2013得獎紀錄


MG AN CS13 91 Pts.jpg

OCT27 MG AN CS-CR13 %26; SY12 90 Pts. Wine Enthusiast.jpg

90 Pts. (2015 Best of Year Issue Wine Enthusiast , 2015 October)

Gold Medal (Mundus Vini , 2015 September)

89 Pts. (James Suckling - , 2015 July)



Appearance : Deep ruby color 深紅寶石色
Aromas : Intense with elegant and spicy currant, black cherry and plum notes all slightly shaded by the cedar from the oak ageing. 因陳年橡木桶而帶出優雅及複雜的香氣,開瓶後散發出優雅濃郁強烈的紅醋栗、黑櫻桃及梅子香氣。

Flavours : In the palate fills full of ripe and soft tannins that give a strong support with a soft and creamy texture.  Well concentrated, with a plush burst of  blackberry, blueberry and chocolate flavours.  This wine is juicy,powerful and with a long and charming finish. 透過非常成熟深色水果而表現出非常柔順的丹寧,酒體紮實。入口後爆發強烈的成熟黑莓、藍莓及巧克力風味,厚實多汁的酒體,尾韻悠長且迷人。

Varietal Composition : 70% Cabernet Sauvignon, 30% Carmenère 70%卡貝納蘇維翁,30%卡門  
Appellation : Colchagua Ninquen Vineyards科恰瓜山谷霓肯酒莊
Trellis System : Vertical shoot positioning & Lyre 垂直插籐栽種
Soil Type : Volcanic rock  火山石

Age of Vines : 19 years 藤齡19年


Vinification Process釀造法及過程
Harvest Date : Cabernet Sauvignon grapes were selected and hand harvested on the 28th  of April and the Carmenère, on the 5th  of May, 2014. . 

                                卡貝納蘇維翁葡萄當年4月28日用手工挑選採擷葡萄, 卡門葡萄則於5月5日採收。

Yeast : PDM 天然酵母菌
Fermentation Temperature: Between 29º ~ 32º C發酵溫度介於攝氏29度至32度
Time in Oak: 14 months 儲存於橡木桶14個月
Type/Age of Oak: 20% American,80% French. 34% new,33% second and third 20%放入美國橡木桶,80%放入法國橡木桶,而使用為34%全新及分別33%二次及三次舊橡木桶。
Ageing Potential: 7 Years 可陳年7年



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    肯歐Eurowill 葡萄酒專業進口商

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