Appearance : Deep ruby red with purple notes.深寶石紅帶紫色調
Aromas : Red and black fruit with graffito notes. 散發出結合黑紅深果類,微微帶ㄧ點辛香味,尾韻則有乳香味。
Flavours : Complex, deep and potently rich. Layers of black cherry and red fruit surrounded by elegant toasted oak. It has firm tannins which give it structure, muscle and a long finish.複雜深沉濃郁口感,因為儲存在高雅煙燻的橡木桶中而有了黑櫻桃跟紅果味的圓潤酒體,強烈的單寧使得酒体紮實且餘韻深長。
Varietal Composition : 85% Cabernet Sauvignon ; 9% Cabernet Franc ; 76% Petit Verdot. 85%卡貝納蘇維翁 ;9% 卡貝納法蘭 ;6%小維多
Appellation : Maipo Valley Intriga Vineyards梅波山谷印崔卡酒莊
Trellis System : Vertical shoot positioning & Pergola 垂直架藤蔓栽種
Soil Type : Alluvial,with a combination of clay on top and a sub-soil of sand and stones.Very deep soil.覆蓋ㄧ層砂黏土在由混合砂土和石頭而成的底土上。
Age of Vines : 10~50 years 藤齡10~50年
Vinification Process釀造法及過程
Harvest Date : Grapes were handpicked and selected between April 10th and May 17th ,2012當年4月10日到5月17日間用手工挑選採擷葡萄
Pressing : Neumatic press, whole cluster 整串葡萄壓榨
Yeast : Natives 原生種酵母菌
Fermentation Temperature: Between 29º ~ 32º C發酵溫度介於攝氏29度至32度
Pump-Overs: 發酵作用完畢後,放入100%法國橡木桶,25%全新木桶75%舊桶中超過21個月,適飲溫度16~18度。
Ageing Potential : 15 years.
• 92 Pts. - Descorchados 2016 Wine Guide - Patricio Tapia - Chile
• 92 Pts. James Suckling -, July 2015, U.S.A.
• 91 Pts. & Recommended Among Best Cabernet Sauvignon from Maipo -Tasting Table, La CAV Magazine, June 2015, Chile
• Gold Medal, Monde Selection 2015, Belgium