
重要記事 :    

1973/10/23 西班牙王室(Juan Carlos)來愛麗舍宮品嘗1962年及1964年。



2008: RP-90 

2008 Cap de Mourlin RP評語  



釀酒顧問: Michel Rolland (波爾多最有名的飛行釀酒師)

Location: Saint Emilion - France 地理位置於法國聖艾米濃區
Creation of vineyard: 16th century 葡萄園建立於16世紀
Area under vines: 14 hectares 佔地14公頃
Terroir: Limestone-clay on northern slope and siliceous-clay         在北方斜坡為石灰石黏土另有矽沙黏土土壤
Grape Varieties: 65% Merlot, 25% Cabernet Franc, 10% Cabernet-Sauvignon  65%梅洛25%卡貝納法蘭10%卡貝納蘇維翁
Average vine age: 34 years old  34年以上的葡萄藤
Vine density: 6,100 vinestocks/hectare 每公頃6100株葡萄樹
Harvest: Manual, with small perforated crates 手工採收另用有孔的竹蔞篩選
Tanks: 100% stainless steel, external thermo-regulation  100%不銹鋼槽
Fermentation: Minimum 3 weeks, depending on the vintage 根據年份至少發酵3個星期
Barrels: 50% new oak, 50% one year, malolactic fermentation in news barrels. 利用50%全新橡木桶及50%1年舊橡木桶乳酸發酵則在全新的橡木桶中進行
Aged in barrels: 15 to 18 months 橡木桶中熟成15~18個月
Average annual production: 65,000 bottles 年產量65,000

Tasting notes :酒味多有梅子巧克力味、單寧成熟飽滿濃郁豐厚柔順易入口餘韻深長溫潤。

Cap de Mourlin's history

卡地慕蘭城堡酒廠是由Capdemourlin卡地慕蘭家族在Saint-Emilion聖艾美濃區建立起,至今已約有五個世紀的聲望,他們名字在地方上和釀酒事業上皆建立了一個不可動搖的地位。聖艾美濃和梅多克。葛拉維及玻梅洛一起名列波爾多四大紅酒名產區,尤聖艾美濃區是法國最大的村莊級AOC,面積高達5,300公頃,葡萄品種主要以梅洛及卡本內-弗朗為主,口感比較圓潤成熟速度也比較快 年輕時不像上梅多克單寧收斂性特強難以入口。 此地區的酒,酒體結構厚實、平衡上梅多克的特等酒莊一樣禁得起數十年的時間考驗

卡地慕蘭城堡酒廠原先是由Jean Roger Capdemourlin兩位兄弟分掌兩座葡萄圓,直到最近才由Jean的太太和Roger的兒子Jacques1982年將這兩座葡萄圓結合在一起。目前它是在Jacques Capdemourlin的掌管下更成長茁壯,更繼續用該家族長久以來的釀酒熱誠投入該事業中

The Capdemourlin family has been living in Saint-Emilion since 1580. The family gave its name to the estate, the oldest winery in the region, and where it has lived continually since 1580. Documentation of a wine sale dating from 1647 was found in the archives of the estate. The name Capdemourlin goes back to the 11th and 12th centuries (Cap comes from caput, meaning chief, and Mourlin from Maures or Moors).
Château Cap de Mourlin has been a member of the Academy of Wines of Bordeaux since 1948, and also belongs to the Association de Grands Crus Classés de Saint-Emilion and the Union des Grands Crus de Bordeaux. Jacques Capdemourlin was president of the Syndicat Viticole de Saint-Emilion from 1986 to 1990, and has been heading the Jurade of Saint-Emilion, the winemakers' brotherhood, as Premier Jurat since 1996.


● Decanter 品醇客/聖愛美濃特選-Chateau Cap de Mourlin, Grand Gru Classe 2001

2006 Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 名單

葡萄酒王國 2009年特刊 P40 Chateau Cap de Mourlin


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