
此城堡前半部的名字Balestard 命名於Saint Emilion 教會中古世紀時代的一名教士,後半部的名字La Tonnelle源自於依然坐落於該葡萄園中心位置的一座古石塔。話說期歷史的由來德追溯到15世紀時有一位詩人Francois Villon曾將此城堡的歷史及事蹟紀錄在她的詩集裏,此部份後來被印製在酒的前標上,成為其獨特的記號。西元1923Bertauts-Couture將此城堡出售給Berthon先生,在後來的30年裏皆由其女婿Roger Capdemourlin經營 此後這片產業便歸屬於Capdemourlin家族。Capdemourlin家族定居於Saint Emilion5世紀之酒,長久以來該家族用一種熱誠投入於酒的文化中,進10年以來酒的經營管理皆落在Roger之子Jacques Capdemourlin先生的肩上。

History Balestard la Tonnelle

This magnificent property of 10.6 hectares (26.5 acres) is situated above Saint-Emilion, on the limestone-clay plateau. The Chateau is located just a half a mile from the gates of the medieval village, and the name "Balestard" means chanoine or religious canon of the Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion, and "Tonnelle" represents the ancient 15th century watch tower that still stands in the middle of the vineyard and is the emblem of the estate.
The creation of this vineyard dates from the 15th century. During that time, François Villon praised the qualities of the wine from Château Balestard la Tonnelle in a poem, which can be seen on the label.
Long-time held by the Berthauts-Couture family, Château Balestard la Tonnelle was sold in 1923 to Mr Berthon, grandfather of Jacques Capdemourlin, the current owner and former student of Emile Peynaud, oenologist at the Faculté d'Oenologie in Bordeaux.



Tasting notes

Exists only in the 2001 and 2002 vintages. After undergoing a tasting by the INAO, the wines designated for Chanoine de Balestard were officially integrated into the production of Château Balestard la Tonnelle However , in order to maintain the ultimate quality in Château Balestard la Tonnelle , these two vintages of Chanoine de Balestard were commercialised as Saint-Emilion Grand Cru.

Very aromatic, very complex nose, centered on the fruit. Perfect to drink now.

Very elegant, with much finesse, well-balanced.



葡 萄 種:70% Merlot;25% Cabernet Franc;5% Cabernet Sauvignon

釀酒方式:採傳統的方式,在水擬土容器及不銹鋼槽中經嚴格   溫度控制下釀製,經3期的浸泡期,


成 熟 期:酒經2次發酵後放入1~2年的舊橡木桶中,大約得經過15~18個月的成熟期才裝瓶出售。

產地:St. Emilion


每日食酒誌之德國豬腳 X Chanoine de Balestard

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