[Label] AOC Chassagne Montrachet Red  

Region 產區: Bourgogne - Burgundy 勃根地 

Varietals 葡萄品種: 100% Pinot Noir 100%黑比若 

Harvest 收成: The grapes are handpicked in order to guarantee the quality of the fruit.為了保證葡萄的品質,完全用手工採擷。

Vinification & Aging 釀酒過程及熟成: Traditionnal vinification. Aged for around 9 month in oak barrels.傳統釀酒技術。在橡木桶中熟成9個月。

Tasting Notes 品酒小記:

Elegant, very well balanced in structure and delicately flavoured red wine. Attractive appellation packed with lots of Morello cherry and cherry-pit, wild strawberry, gooseberry, and raspberry.優雅、酒體平衡、風味可口的好酒。吸引人的濃郁櫻桃、野生草莓、醋栗及木莓香氣。 

Food Match 美味搭配:

Powerful and tannic, it flatters good quality meats such as grilled or roast lamb, coating their fibres in the mouth. Its aromatic power balances that of grilled pork and of curried or tandoori-style poultry. 強勁單寧,非常適合搭配碳烤羔羊,在口中完全包覆羔羊的纖維;濃郁的香氣,來搭配碳烤豬排或咖哩雞也是不錯的選擇。

酒販賣場所警圖定稿 網頁版      


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